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2024-25 is the larGest year to date for Teal City Crew!
We're already putting in the work, including updatinG our site with our fresh theme, planning travel, and more down below!
What's New with TCC?
Beer and hockey only makes sense:
Welcome Narrative Fermentations
as our partner bar for 2024-25!

We're so excited to partner with the VERY popular
San Jose brewery, Narrative Fermentations, as our home base ALL season long! This gives our members an opportunity to gather for pregame/postgame beers, locally to both SAP Center and TechCU Arena!
TCC x NF will be hosting 1-3 monthly watch parties
for away games, All-Star weekend, and more TCC events, once the Sharks/Barracuda schedules are released.
One of the coolest parts of our partnership:
TCC Merch will be available during ALL business hours,
with scarves, tees, and accessories available!
This is a great partnership, that we hope goes past this season, and we hope you love the commodities they offer during your visits.
proceeds enter our general fund, paying for more merch, giveaways, equipment, tifo supplies, flags, etc.
Tifo displays

TCC is famous for our Tifo,
or "hand painted banners",
a tradition made popular in soccer culture.
We have access to a 30x8ft wall, that we can hanG our pieces of our passion aGainst. So let's do more!
In the past, we've had:
"Blood In the Water" vs Vegas
"No Licking Zone" vs Boston
"Sharks Legend Mike Hoffman" vs Florida
"Super Sharktendo/Duck Hunt" vs Anaheim
"We're With You" - Honoring the Kane Family
We're looking to do 4-5 this year, includinG:
#TenAtTheTank - History of TCC
Jumbo Joe Tribute
Rivalry Tifo
Some rules to Tifo:
Don't Take photos, and if you do, save them until AFTER the reveal. The Tifos are a secret, and the hype is built on the anticipation. All pieces must be painted by hand, usually stenciled in by projector.
Travel in 2024 and 2025
We're stoked to brinG travel back to the TCC lineup, with previous trips to VeGas, LA, Anaheim, Arizona, and even AHL/ECHL trips to Texas and Ontario.
This year, we're anticipatinG trips to:
Los Angeles
and Tampa Bay
Sitting together, and creatinG a Tank environment anywhere we Go Is a part of our unique experiences! We've donated over $800 to rival charities and want to double that this year.
Check out our Tickets menu, and see our schedule!
Season Tickets
The bigGest move this year is the fact that we're finally offering season tickets in "The Territory", the name of the top of section 217-218!
We'll have more information soon,
in the "Tickets" menu.
Spend all year atop our wonderful view of SAP Center, cheering and yelling for our boys in teal. We can't wait to have you sit with us.
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