Teal City Crew is committed to the safety of Sharks Territory,
our community and beyond.
With the support of cdc AND sANTA cLARA cOUNTY guidelineS,
We will be going above and beyond to keep everyone safe at our events,
& will implement the following stipulations, Regardless of vaccination status, until further notice:
- Masks are required at ALL times inside SAP Center, unless you are
"Actively eating or drinking".
- TCC Events will require masks for all attendees, regardless of venue.
- Unvaccinated folks must adhere to guidelines, and must wear a mask.
- do not share food/drinks outside your "bubble".
- Ensure everyone's comfort levels before touching (high fives, hugging, etc)
- When applicable, please RSVP to our events.
- tO simply PUT IT, DON'T BE A DICK.
Please take care of one another, by taking care of yourself.
This page is dedicated to Gerardo Flores
INFO UPDATED as of: 12/30/2021